Veiðibann fyri trol vestur úr Mykinesi
Við heimild í Løgtingslóg nr. 152 frá 23. desember 2019, § 59, ásetir Fiskiveiðieftirlitið bráðfeingis veiðibann fyri trol vestur úr Mykinesi
- 6212N – 0843W
- 6205N – 0843W
- 6205N – 0836W
- 6212N – 0836W
- 6212N – 0843W
Veiðibannið er galdandi frá í dag, hin 13. mei 2020 klokkan 19:00 til 10. juni 2020 klokkan 19:00.
Closure of an area, within the Faroese fishery zone for fisheries with trawl.
Please be informed that inspections carried out by Faroe Islands Fisheries Inspection and reports from fishing vessels have revealed that the amount of juvenile fish in the catches is found to be too high in an area in Faroe waters.
Due to this information, we have decided to close an area for fisheries with trawl.
The closed area is limited by straight lines between the following positions:
- 6212N – 0843W
- 6205N – 0843W
- 6205N – 0836W
- 6212N – 0836W
- 6212N – 0843W
The area is closed in the period from the 13. May 2020 at 19:00 UTC to the 10 June 2020 at 19:00 UTC.