11.07.2012 kl. 11.50
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Press Release
Exercise, Exercise, Exercise
Scenario: MRCC/Tórshavnradio at 09:21 local time today 11. July 2012 received information about an incident where the supply vessel KL Brofjord (K-Line) collided with rig COSL Pioneer drilling the Brugdan II well 153 km. southeast of the Faroe Islands. One person onboard KL Brofjord was injured and the injured person is flown by helicopter to hospital in the Faroe Islands.
There has been an oil leak from KL Brofjord estimated to apprx. 50m3 gasoil. The handling of the oil-spill is under control.
COSL Pioneers emergency preparedness team was immediately mobilised. All personnel onboard the rig have been counted for and no injuries have been reported onboard the rig.
Statoil´s emergency organisation has been mobilised.
MRCC/Tórshavnradio has the coordinating leadership of the incident and handles the incident in close cooperation with Statoil, the hospital authorities, environmental authorities and other relevant authorities.
Next Press Release at 12:30 local time.
Contact person at the MRCC/Tórshavnradio in this case is Henrik Weihe Joensen, acting Director, on telephone +298 285922.
Exercise, Exercise, Exercise
Scenario: MRCC/Tórshavnradio at 09:21 local time today 11. July 2012 received information about an incident where the supply vessel KL Brofjord (K-Line) collided with rig COSL Pioneer drilling the Brugdan II well 153 km. southeast of the Faroe Islands. One person onboard KL Brofjord was injured and the injured person is flown by helicopter to hospital in the Faroe Islands.
There has been an oil leak from KL Brofjord estimated to apprx. 50m3 gasoil. The handling of the oil-spill is under control.
COSL Pioneers emergency preparedness team was immediately mobilised. All personnel onboard the rig have been counted for and no injuries have been reported onboard the rig.
Statoil´s emergency organisation has been mobilised.
MRCC/Tórshavnradio has the coordinating leadership of the incident and handles the incident in close cooperation with Statoil, the hospital authorities, environmental authorities and other relevant authorities.
Next Press Release at 12:30 local time.
Contact person at the MRCC/Tórshavnradio in this case is Henrik Weihe Joensen, acting Director, on telephone +298 285922.